Lorax’s Greenbuild 2023 Recap: Innovating and Inspiring Sustainable Futures

September 29, 2023 | By: Matthew Torr

As the air started to cool and the leaves of the cherry blossoms began to turn in Washington, DC, Lorax embarked on an exciting and insightful journey at Greenbuild 2023. This event, a hallmark for sustainability enthusiasts and professionals, was not just another annual conference for us. It marked Lorax’s debut with our first exhibition hall booth, and what an incredible experience it was!

Although members of Lorax have been attending Greenbuild over the last decade, this year’s conference came with a new perspective for our team. In the past, a small group of Lorax individuals would pack their bags and jet set to wherever Greenbuild was being hosted that year – their intention, to attend educational sessions and make new connections. However, this year, our team was tasked with a new role, host an exhibition hall booth to showcase our green building consulting services.

Lorax and HBS Solutions exhibit hall booth at Greenbuild 2023 in the Walter E. Washington Convention Center located in Washington, DC

Members of our business development and marketing teams were tasked with preparing the booth design, layout, coordination, and day-of planning; a lens our team had yet to view before. With new learning curves ahead, our team was tasked with finding a way to display our expertise in the commercial real estate industry.

Partnerships for Sustainable Futures

Lorax Booth at Greenbuild 2023 in Washington, DC. Showcasing our firms partners HBS Solutions and Steelcase

Aside from looking inwards at our staff of highly talented individuals, our planning team wanted to also highlight our trusted partners who help us serve our clients best. In a strategic move, Lorax partnered with HBS Solutions, bringing together a powerhouse of knowledge on sustainable rating systems and green building services. This collaboration was a testament to our commitment to providing comprehensive and financially backed solutions in the realm of sustainability.

Our booth was designed to be more than just a space. It was a hub of learning, connection, and discussion. As attendees stopped by, they were greeted not only with warm smiles but with a wealth of information. Our team engaged in meaningful dialogues, answering questions, and sharing experiences that resonated with the values and aspirations of our peers.

Although content is imperative for a successful exhibit, our booth presentation was also an important consideration for our team. With strict conference requirements and a commitment to sustainability, our team needed a solution that was both environmentally conscious and professional in its presentation. Fortunately, our partners at Steelcase were kind enough to provide us with sustainable furniture options, which gave our booth a sleek and welcoming look!


Our Commitment to Education

Our team, fueled by passion and expertise, hosted a series of mini-presentations that became the heartbeat of our booth. These presentations were more than just talks; they were interactive sessions where we shared industry knowledge and insights with the attendees. Each session was a deep dive into various aspects of sustainable development, leaving the audience both informed and inspired. Team members from both Lorax (Casey Ross, Callie Simon, Lynne Zhang, and Lauren Banks) and HBS Solutions provided informative and interactive presentations to conference goers – leaving their audiences with a wealth of green building knowledge!

Casey Ross, Director of Energy Services at Lorax, giving a presentation on the Inflation Reduction Act to Greenbuild 2023 conference attendees One of the most enriching aspects of Greenbuild 2023 was the opportunity to network and engage in impactful conversations. From budding professionals to seasoned experts, the diversity of attendees enriched the dialogue, allowing us to expand our network and understanding of the industry’s needs and trends.

Aside from our mini-presentations, the Lorax team provided additional insight to conference guests. Senior Project Manager, Rebecca Gullott, was a panelist for the “Beyond Energy: The Many Social Benefits of LEED Zero Energy Schools in Baltimore” session. Rebecca and the other panelist discussed the Graceland-Holabird Elementary/Middle School Projects in detail; emphasizing how LEED Zero Energy is not just beneficial to the operations of the building but also the positive implications it has on the surrounding communities.

Looking Ahead to Greenbuild 2024

As we wrapped up our time at Greenbuild 2023, we left with more than just memories. We gained new connections, insights, and a reinforced commitment to driving sustainable change in the built environment. The conversations we had and the knowledge we shared have set the stage for an even more impactful future.

Shortly after settling back into our normal operations routine, we reflected on our time at Greenbuild 2023. Still riding the wave of excitement, our firm has already committed to making the drive up I-95 to Philadelphia next year for Greenbuild 2024. In tote, we will have our exhibit hall booth supplies, in addition to our boots-on-the-ground session attendees, as we continue in our mission to educate industry members on green building rating systems and the financial incentives available to their projects.

Greenbuild 2023 in Washington, DC, was not just an event; it was a milestone for Lorax. Our successful exhibition, partnership with HBS Solutions and Steelcase, plus the engaging mini-presentations have set a new benchmark for our involvement in such significant events. We look forward to continuing our journey in empowering sustainable practices and making a positive impact on our planet.The Lorax team at Greenbuild out front of the exhibit hall at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center

Stay tuned to our journey and upcoming initiatives as we continue to lead and inspire in the world of sustainability. See you on the expo hall floor in Philadelphia for Greenbuild 2024!

Missed us at Greenbuild 2023? Catch Lorax’s Casey Ross in a must-see webinar on ‘How the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is Impacting the Built Environment‘ this Wednesday, December 13th at 12:00 PM. Unlock financial benefits and get ahead of new mandates in commercial real estate.

Register Here Today!


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